the five lens enneagram

We offer Five Lens Enneagram assessments, debriefs and coaching as a segway to amplifying personal mastery, through fostering self-awareness and a growth mindset.

Five Lens Enneagram

Ⓒ2022 Five Lens – Ennea International Group

what is the enneagram

The Five Lens Enneagram is primarily a Behavioural Assessment Tool which describes and evaluates nine patterns of behaviour that are recognised in people from diverse cultures all over the world. These appear as fundamental characteristics of human beings through a universal language which transcends gender, religion, nationality and culture.

Each of the nine Enneagram styles has a different pattern of thinking, feeling and acting which arises from a deep inner motivation or way of seeing the world. Exploring the ego styles of the Enneagram facilitates an understanding of what motivates our basic desires, fears and tendencies. These are the elements that impact & influence our relationships, personal & collective growth and our ability to shift and realise deep transformational change.

Functionally, the shape organises the nine personality styles, which are grouped into three main Intelligence Centers (Triads) each consisting of three styles: the Instinctual Center (8,9,1), the Emotional Center (2,3,4) and the Intellectual Center (5,6,7).

These Centers (Triads) point toward the predominant mode from which a person operates and their preferences related to the intelligence they lean into, in solving life’s problems or making decisions.

Five lens enneagram centres

Ⓒ2022 Five Lens – Ennea International Group

what do you get working with the five lens report?

The Five Lens approach takes the Enneagram model and adds significantly to it through detailing and sequentially reviewing the Five Lenses:

personal mastery

Emotional resilience

social drives

energy centers

enneagram styles

personal mastery

Emotional resilience

social drives

energy centers

enneagram styles

The first three lenses are deeply personal. They pertain to what is inside and what external people cannot necessarily see. This offers our clients’ a valuable view, or reflection of themselves, through their Five Lenses.

This view is within the context of their life: the external and internal environments and how what is happening in the world around them, is experienced within them. It is valuable to understand that behaviour changes in response to changes in a person’s external and internal context. So, although the most dominant pattern is usually the most the most entrenched in a person’s ‘way of being’, the frequency of use of the other patterns can shift more readily in response to the context. This is why the Five Lens report measures and shows the frequency of all nine patterns. This is not offered in many other Enneagram reporting systems. 

This deepened self-insight & self-awareness is a gift and can be a powerful catalyst for change, allowing for specific and targeted developmental interventions to follow through a Coaching Process.

five lens enneagram personal mastery

Ⓒ2022 Five Lens – Ennea International Group

the journey

At The SEVA Collective will always endeavour to hold the process as ‘light as a feather’ and not foster an environment that is ‘heavy as a brick’. We partner with our clients to observe, and not be the ‘helper’ and the ‘fixer’ of things.


Contact The SEVA Collective and we will discuss the individual assessment most suited to your needs.


Complete an online assessment which will generate a detailed Five Lens feedback report.


The report is reviewed and debriefed by a highly trained Enneagram Practitioner, skilled in facilitating deep exploratory conversations and creating psychologically safe spaces.

The purpose of this is to position the feedback within the client’s context, check the accuracy of the assessment with the client, and to maximise the ever-deepening personal and professional development opportunities.


We are passionate about what the Growth and Personal Mastery amplification Enneagram has offered us as a System and what it can offer our Clients: an Opportunity to ‘shine a light’ on their ‘way of being’ and to illuminate forward growth and expansion strategies.

start your journey

Schedule a consultation with one of our Enneagram Practitioners.

coaching Programme bookings

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